Aesthic medicine
All treatments in our Medical Center are performed by doctors.
Mimic Wrinkle Smoothing
The treatment uses purified protein produced by the isolated strains of bacteria in the laboratory. It works by blocking neuromuscular transduction and, as a result, it reduces facial wrinkles (those that arise during continuous operation of the face muscles), as well as it is used for the treatment of hyperhidrosis.
Blocked nerve fiber undergoes a process of reinnervation, which lasts about 3-6 months. After this time, the therapeutic effect of the treatment. In aesthetic medicine operates with low doses and precisely calculated, which means that the procedure is safe. The indications for the use of the treatment are frowned mimic, which are associated with living facial expressions:
- Glabellar area (“lion’s wrinkle” that occurs between the eyebrows)
- Transverse forehead wrinkles
- Crinkle around the eyes (“crow’s feet”)
- Wrinkles of the lower eyelid
- Wrinkles on the chin
- Wrinkles on the neck
Wrinkle Removal
Loss of elastic elements in the skin and hyaluronic acid molecules Causes a Decrease in its firmness and the appearance of wrinkles. In addition to harmful environmental factors increases above processes. Opportunities offered by aesthetic medicine allow us to effectively reduce wrinkles and fight the signs of aging. Ideally in this battle checked hiluronowy acid, which, depending on the needs of the skin and may have a different indication of the degree of crosslinking. Hyaluronic acid is a potent moisturizing, positively affecting its metabolism and stimulating collagen production.
In the case of fine wrinkles apply gentle hyaluronic acid, whose main task is to improve the hydration and firmness. Similarly, in the case of cheilitis , when we just want to gently moisturise use a different formulation than to increase its volume . If we are dealing with deeper wrinkles, folds or losses tissue products we use thick , strongly bound water . Selection is made on the preparation by the physician visit.